As far as my son is concerned, every animal is a shark.
Dad Jokes for DAYZZZZ.
My son has a bad habit of either forgetting what animal he picked, changing the animal he picked mid-questioning, or knowing absolutely nothing about the animal he’s picked. So we started encouraging him to pick an animal from the animal encyclopedia and bookmark it. As excited as he is to flip through it, I’m not sure it’s really helping.
Bea has figured out a new secret weapon with devastating consequences for her unsuspecting opponent.
Turnabout is fair play. What happens when sneaky strategy meets minutely detailed, super literal interpretation of the rules?
My daughter has been dropping ridiculous fantasy animals (that probably she made up and definitely nobody knows) into twenty questions for ages. My son still decides animals based on whether he likes their pictures in our animals encyclopedia. Consequently, we are all learning a lot more about lesser known albeit cool-looking animals like the Banded Sea Krait.